Friday, December 10, 2004

She's A Funny One.....

I'm not sure it's polite to comment on how funny you think your children are but I can't help it. I think all of my kids are funny but I especially have been enjoying Claire and her little comments as of late. The other day she got a christmas card in the mail that had stickers in it. When she had finished decorating the card she brought it to me saying " look at this mama, isn't it HOLY COW? " Today she came upstairs and I was still a floor above her and I called down asking her what she was up to . She replied that she had to pee and I responded with aaaaahhhh and she retorted back," what, it's not likes it's fun or anything "

A couple of weeks ago Daniel was trying to make himself some toast and Hud asked if he wanted any help. Daniel said that he would so Hud proceeded to intervene. Somewhere along the way he ended up making himself some first and Daniels response was simply..."oh yeah, I forgot, ladies first. "

Anyway, he is a spouting fountain of retort but this stuff with Claire is fairly new.

Samuel hasn't gotten too funny in what he says yet but he does do some funny things. He still like to put his hand down my shirt when he sucks his thumb and if he has his hands full, he will either tuck the item under his chin or in my bra. The first time he did it, I didn't realize until a good while later. I finally had to take a look to see what was making me feel so funny and in my bra I discovered a bouncy ball. Hud isn't quite sure why I don't mind Sam in my shirt in the night but if he tries to get close I flail my arms and moan " let me sleep "


Margie said...

Maybe Hud should try sticking his hands in your shirt... I'm sure he tries :)

Lori said...

Those sneaky boys! Oliver puts his hands in my shirt too! Maybe 'cause it's warm? I don't know. Kids are funny.

pumpkinhead said...

She *is* a funny one :). And personally, I think that one of the perks of parenthood is the RIGHT to comment on how funny you think your kids are.

Margie said...

Time to post again!!!