Wednesday, November 23, 2005

And for Andrea and Cori we have LIPS ALMIGHTY!!!!!!!

Here you are girls! Who's lips are who's? Can you guess? This picture required a second evening of purple lipdom....hope you have enjoyed it! Lips seem to be the thing these days.......


Alison said...

Just so you know even Hud had a hard time..shameful really!

Jamie Dawn said...

How cute! I hope you get a lot of kisses from those lips!
It is Thanksgiving here today.
We travelled all day yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with my hubby's family. We will be gorging in about two hours from now. I can hardly wait!

Cori said...

Okay your lips are the one in the middle left and a cute set of little lips are in the center and girly lips are in the corners! How did I do? Lipomania! happy Thanksgiving!

Alison said...

Cori you did great! The only ones you missed were Daniel's across from mine on the right. The middle ones were Sam and the corners were miss Claire.