Wednesday, April 27, 2005


We were all playing outside this afternoon when the neighbor got a call from the school asking if she had seen a seven year old boy. He had not made it to his sitters house so they were calling all of the parents of that grade. In no time the police were everywhere with photos of the little boy. Crews were at the lake, parents were pounding the pavement, Hud and the neighbor went off on their bikes looking in ditches etc. Tracey and I were stuck here with all of our own kids, feeling sick to our stomachs, praying hard. An hour or so later, the police were circling around to let people know that they had found the missing boy at his own home asleep in his own bed. Apparently for some reason he had gone home , climbed through a window and into bed.
The fear experienced by us was nothing I'm sure compared to that of his parents and the sitter, and I cannot imagine how I would react. I'm glad that this day is over and my chidren are all safe and sound here at home.

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