Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Morgan!

Because Morgan is a Newfie and it was his birthday, we decided that November's gathering should be Newfie night. For alot of us we were preparing things for the first time as is often the case at our themed dinner nights. This time however most of us had never even eaten what we were endeavoring to prepare. Cooking with salt meats, codfish, pork fat etc were things that we had never done. We were not daunted though as we each set out on our own to make it a true Newfie night. The end result was fabulous. So much wonderful food and laughter that never seemed to die out, even on the way home. In fact I think our van load laughed the whole way home, leaving me with a very sore ribcage. There were moments we were gasping for air, first due to the laughter and second thanks to Jonathan continuously feeling the need to open the lid of the pot that held the last of the Jiggs dinner; the aroma of cabbage and turnip filling the van...need I say more?!? What a night!
Morgan's newfoundland flagged cake that we had before dinner so that his kids could have some before bed.
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Perri said...

What fun! I love fried bologna, but please tell me that wasn't ketchup! Gross.

Tee/Tracy said...

Happy Birthday to Morgan. I didn't know anything about Newfie food? ... That cake looks so yummy.