Saturday, May 28, 2005


I actually got some plants in the ground. The air was very muggy but no actual precipitation. Maybe we are on our way to better days ahead.....

Friday, May 27, 2005

And the answer is.....

you are lavender

Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.

Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the html color quiz

check out Andreas site to see the pink goddess!

The pics are from April when I went on the Ladies retreat. It was late at night and we were all very hyper. We performed our incredible feat of strength for the whole group of 150 the next morning with Janet actually standing on top of us. Everyone thought we were amazing!
Who needs sleep when we can do gymnastics?
Janet ready to take a leap

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

check out the rotton 2x4s. One more thing not disclosed when we bought this gem of a house.
old gyprock anyone?
more mess
the old surround is gone
got to get rid of this dust

Could we spend any more money this year?

I took Daniel to the orthodontist this morning. Yikes. Not only is his mouth a mess due to a small pallet and a cross bite, but his jaw is growing apart so he has a huge space between his upper and lower teeth. They would like to put a spacer in that we screw open a little wider each day. To the tune of two grand, thank you very much. They think that he will later need braces with elastics that will try to pull the two jaws together. If that does not work then he is looking at surgery. Poor kid. Poor us.

In other news.... we ripped the bathroom wall out today and noticed that the leak that we are repairing is not the first leak in that spot. In fact there is dried out rotton wood in the wall. Nice fix up job guys! Thankfully though we are not going to have to mess with the floor. Tomorrow Brian will be back at it to put up the new gyprock, and then we will let it dry for a couple of days, then put in the surround, then I will paint. I'm also going with some wainscotting. I can't wait til it's done. Maybe in time for Norm!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

And now it is all over. The funeral was this afternoon. The tears and sobs were aplenty. The celebration of a woman who lived a life to the fullest. She was so much to so many people. She will be missed. Debbie, know that we will rally around your family and help them any way we can.

Monday, May 23, 2005

It's just not right....

We went to the funeral home tonight for visitation. Paul and the family left. It was just too hard for them. We entered the room and there lay Debbie in the open casket looking like anybody but Debbie. It was horrid. The sobbing was so hard to control. Her sparkle that was ever present had been removed. She looked old and tired. I guess it just goes to prove that we are so much more than our outward appearance. Everything that we are comes from inside. When our spirit is gone there is nothing left.
Perhaps we should just put in a pond and get ourselves some fish!
Can you say overload?
Can the garden survive the floods? Not sure the shed can.
Not sure these are made to sit in water....
Daniels bike,wishing it had been put away!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

our before, although we had added the tree in the fall and dug out the side bed in the fall. In progress pics to follow when it stops raining....

Friday, May 20, 2005


This morning we received word that a friend of ours died in her sleep. They think perhaps a clot took her young life. They are performing an autopsy today. She is a mom with two very young girls. Her husband is distraut to say the least. All day today I have gone around feeling sick. Another friend and I started phoning other people in the church which I think is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Dealing with my own grief and then the grief of those I was talking with. Most were in shock. I almost felt as though I were spreading a horrible lie. In fact I called the person back that had called me to confirm what she had said and then checked Huds e-mail again.

We take our lives and our time with our children so for granted. None of us expect to go to bed one night and not wake up the next morning. Please hug your children and spouses extra hard tonight and say a prayer for Paul, and little Emma and Annie.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Just to let you know Emily is up and running again at

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

She has arrived....

4 weeks early, Rachel Marie Trenholm, 6lb 6oz. Finally a girl cousin for Claire on daddys side.

Monday, May 16, 2005


Claires diet of late has left something to be desired. She gags and heaves at just about everything she is served. We are beginning to get a little concerned without wanting to go over the edge and have her end up with an eating disorder 'cos we forced her to eat. The choices set out for her are healthy, and what the rest of the family manages to eat without complaint.

A couple of nights ago we had ham and potatoe scallop. She had a few nibbles of ham, and Hud asked her to eat one piece of potatoe. As I'm sure you know the potatoes are very thinly sliced. He cut the slice in half for her and asked her to eat it. She managed to get the first half down but the second half had her gagging. Saturday night she ate two bites of chicken. Today she actually ate a piece of toast for breakfast, folowed by half of a minigo. Lunch she had half a pb&j sandwich. For supper tonight she ate two meatballs without any trauma. I told her if she wanted dessert she needed to eat three more. I try to work on the one bite for each year of her life. She will be five in June. She said " ok mom, but I am 4 & 1/2 so I'll cut one of these in two pieces." Well did we ever laugh! We told her that she could take a smidge off as she was really 4& 3/4. She ate them and another minigo. I think that's the best meal she's eaten in ages!

Sams latest fetish...

involves shoving his hand down his pants while his thumb on the other hand his stuck in his mouth. I spend a good part of my day asking him where his hands are at which oint he pulls them out of their respective spots and says "here they are "

Well, it must be working to some extent as today he asked me if he could PLEASE hold his penis! I told him no and of course then the why and plllleeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeee started. Sam, it's for pee only!
Sam loving chocolate cake batter. It's for all of you girls who have been wanting chocolate...COME AND GET IT !!!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Anyone seen my brain?!?

My brain has gone missing! Yesturday I went to the valley and did some garden shopping for bushes with some friends. I came home in the afternoon, planted said bushes, brought in the laundry and was contemplating supper when I was handed a birthday invitation for Claire. I walked over to the calender to write it on and noticed that the following weekend there is another party for a little boy. When I saw that I thought of his father and remembered that it was his party night and that I was supposed to be bringing the cake! This was at 4:30 the party was to be at 7:00. I was frantic but managed to get it together. Of course, I didn't have a sitter and Hud had a meeting so the frantic pace started again as I had to search out a sitter. Hud managed to get one and it all worked out fine.

Today I had a great day of getting stuff done. Even got a load of wash out only to have it re-washed by mother nature. Oh well...tomorrow is supposed to be nicer. It can dry then. Daniel arrived home from school and I looked at his agenda and he had written...doors open 6:15, concert at 7:00 WHAT?????? The spring concert and open house is tonight? Yes mom it's tonight. Where have I been? Am I that disconnected from the happenings around me that I am missing out? I never used to forget stuff like this. I panicked again thinking he was going to need to wear a white shirt and black pants. He says he can wear whatever. Lets hope he's right. I have a hair appointment at 4:45 then I need to grab the sitter who I got fast then realized I didn't really need as the others can join us for the concert as it is early.

I guess I need to take a deep breath and try to get myself collected in the brain department. Maybe when I go for my bone density test they can also scan to see if I even have a brain in there at all!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Claire too tired to even get through a book without passing out cold! It's tough being nice to mom ALL day
Birth mom and grandmother with all three of the hooligans....
Birth mom, grandmother and Claire and I on Mothers Day. Neat to be able to celebrate three generations of mothers together....

Monday, May 09, 2005

Here I Am....

I really haven't gone away. I just have not really had anything exciting to say. The weather has been relatively nice so I have been out in the garden lots, digging in the new bed, hitting the garden centers, helping friends with their gardens etc...

Life is good here, the kids are loving the season, the bikes never stop, the ducks are back in the lake which provides much enjoyment for all.

Renos will soon start on the bathroom, the roof will be done, and hopefully we can get through the summer without any more big issues. The water coming in the side of the house seems to have stopped which is a bonus.

Mothers day came and went as usual, hilarious cards from the kids, Sam causing injury to my elderly grandmother, Hud having a good nap on and off all afternoon. I commented on Coris blog that perhaps I will take Fathers day off.