Monday, May 16, 2005


Claires diet of late has left something to be desired. She gags and heaves at just about everything she is served. We are beginning to get a little concerned without wanting to go over the edge and have her end up with an eating disorder 'cos we forced her to eat. The choices set out for her are healthy, and what the rest of the family manages to eat without complaint.

A couple of nights ago we had ham and potatoe scallop. She had a few nibbles of ham, and Hud asked her to eat one piece of potatoe. As I'm sure you know the potatoes are very thinly sliced. He cut the slice in half for her and asked her to eat it. She managed to get the first half down but the second half had her gagging. Saturday night she ate two bites of chicken. Today she actually ate a piece of toast for breakfast, folowed by half of a minigo. Lunch she had half a pb&j sandwich. For supper tonight she ate two meatballs without any trauma. I told her if she wanted dessert she needed to eat three more. I try to work on the one bite for each year of her life. She will be five in June. She said " ok mom, but I am 4 & 1/2 so I'll cut one of these in two pieces." Well did we ever laugh! We told her that she could take a smidge off as she was really 4& 3/4. She ate them and another minigo. I think that's the best meal she's eaten in ages!

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