Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What happens to Sam when he is tired and sent to take a time out! Poor guy. I did eventually move him. Posted by Picasa


Jamie Dawn said...

Sam couldn't make it up the stairs.
Just.... too.... tired.

The pics of the flowers are gorgeous. Nature's delicate beauty is truly amazing.

We have several squirrels hanging around our property. I love watching them.

The lovliest things I've seen lately have been brilliantly red cardinals. We don't have those in CA, so I am loving those pretty birds.

Matt, Christine, Elijah, Joseph, Sarah, & Oliver said...

Sam looks soooo cute asleep on those stairs! He must have been pooped:).

I'm glad you had a great time at the ladies retreat, wish I was there. Isn't it so great to get recharged in every way? I could use that right about now.