Tuesday, June 20, 2006

And then he was gone....

My father left this morning to head home out west. Already the silence is driving me nuts. He said good-bye to us last night as he wasn't sure he could handle the emotions this morning. Saying good-bye was so very hard and of course I cried. When you finally get to have someone in your life and they live so very far away, every moment is precious and far too short.

I really do not like good-byes and I don't like to think of the length of time it will be before I see him again.

I'm off now to make myself busy, trying to lose the feeling of loneliness that has washed over me.....


Coll.Kurtz said...
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Jamie Dawn said...

I very much enjoyed catching up on all your "happenings."
The photos are so nice. Your time at Gram's, and those matching bracelets... Photos of your kids and your dad, and that precious one of the big hug with Sam!!
I'm glad you had such a nice time with your dad.
I wish he lived nearby.
I'm sorry you are sad, but I'm happy that you have each other. I'm sure he is sad as well.

Anonymous said...

awwww, i can't even think of anything to say, even the title seems so sad. one of my biggest fears is that my kids will grow up and marry and move away, i won't see them or my grandchildren, it's something you can't control, just cherish the time you actually have.

Shelley said...

Hey girl, glad you had some good time to spend with your dad. Your gram's property is just breathtaking by the way. Hold on to family and try not to worry; you'll see your dad again. It's hard because he lives so far away, just hang in there. HUGGS