Saturday, March 19, 2005

Random Ramblings....

It's been a week of spring break. Break for who? We have been busier this week than any normal week but I guess that's the point. Karen and I took the older kids to Crystal Palace in New Brunswick. Sam stayed home with Hud so we only had to take one vehicle. The kids had a blast. Claire who is afraid of everything begged me to accompany her on the rollercoaster. She loved it, I did not!
We had someone come and look at the roof and his opinion is that we need to do the whole roof. Nice. There goes my window money! We also need to replace the side door as it is leaking down into the basement. Not a huge problem now , but it's where we are in the process of putting a closet. We don't need the closet ruined.
Hud and Daniel are away at camp for the weekend, Claire had an overnight at her Nannies house so Sam and I are just hanging out. We went shopping today and I bought a blouse. I'm thrilled with everything but the fact that it is an x-large. What is happening to my body? My arms and face seem to be losing weight, my bum looks like a saggy granny bum and my boobs are growing. I was just getting used to my body and here we go morphing again! What will the end result be this time and for how long?!?
I was examining my garden this afternoon and noticed that I have some sedum starting to send up it's new growth. What an encouraging sight.
Sam has a wart on the thumb that he sucks. Not too exciting to the average soul but for me the result of putting on a wart remover bandaid is grand. He has tried a few times to suck his thumb but quickly pulls it out as the feel isn't right. He fell asleep last night without sucking it and all day so far he hasn't. He has asked a few times to have it removed but I have been telling him it needs to stay and he just goes off to play. We may be on the road to ending the sucking routine.

~Hope everyone has a grand weekend and that you have more excitement than me!~

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