Tuesday, February 08, 2005

It's glorious...

...when you can open your windows for a few hours at the beginning of february. It was a whole 10 degrees here today. Nothing better than the fresh air smell penetrating every stale corner of ones house. I shrunk some snowbanks by shovelling the snow onto the driveway and the street. In the garden at the edge of the driveway where the snow has melted away the most, my creeping babies breath is putting out leaves. Sam was trying to find bugs. All in all it was a grand spring day enjoyed by all. Of course, it may be short lived as on the news they were talking about another "system" making it's way towards us.......


Jodi said...

Are you kidding??? Spring is like 4 months away isn't it??? Everything in my yard is dead, D-E-A-D!

Cori said...

Everyhting is starting and I mena starting to bloom here. Is this premature bloomination?

Alison said...

You are so right Jodi. It is a while til spring but when the temp is so spring like one can only be excited. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow for the next few days but today is supposed to be another mild one.

Jodi said...

Alison, Can I come live with you??? LOL

It is all of 5F here and we are looking for a high of 10F. That is sooooo not spring like weather! Boo-hoooo.

Alison said...

Right now we are sitting at 6 degrees but it is cloudy, but I was on the deck in my bare feet cheering the kids toboganning down our backyard. If it isn't windy 10 degrees is refreshing. I had my tea outside today in my jammies and the guy across the street was laughing at me as he pulled away heading to work.
They won't know what to make of me in another month or so. I'll have to restrain myself from gardening dressed like that. I did shovel snow in my jammies one day and got plenty of stares and titters from people on walks.... oh well, they don't know what they are missing...
But yes, you can come and live with me. I could use some help renovating!

Alison said...

Of course. The more the merrier...

Pink Sun Drops said...

Hello there! I found you from Cori's comments. I'm a big Flylady fan too. Although I haven't linked her. That's a good idea. I've been flapping my wings for about 2 years now and have seriously decluttered almost everything but struggle in the daily routines. Especially now that my entire life has been thrown out of whack. I'm slowly getting back on the wagon.

Any way I thought I'd just say hello to a fellow flybaby :) - I can't believe you're opening your windows at 10 degrees! *shamefully runs to windows and opens them at 60 degrees when I thought it was too cold*

Jodi said...

Well I am very good at demolishion, not sure how good I am at putting it back together. That remains to be seen. LOL

Which reminds me, I need to get some new pics of my entry way, in progress, up today. TTFN!

Lori said...

We have our door propped open today and the sun is out shiny and bright. Enjoy it while it lasts.