Friday, February 04, 2005

Sam wins again....

So today was really no different than any other day in Sams world. Today however may prove to be his most expensive adventure yet. He decided that my red lipstick was a good choice for his own body art as well as changing the face of the carpet on the stairs and upstairs hall. I have someone from Roto Static carpet cleaners coming at 2:30 and hopefully they will be able to get it out! I guess after two mellow kids it was time that I had one that keeps me on my toes. However I seem to be failing miserably in the pro-active department......


Lori said...

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! You poor thing! I am not supposed to laugh am I? You will laugh in about 20 years. I REALLLLY hope it comes out. Good luck with him.

Alison said...

$ 51.75 later and it's out! All you can see is a tiny smidge if you know where to look. Buy Roto Statics Spot Remover...... it'll take out anything!

Margie said...

I love Samwell! I can't wait for the first two weeks of July when we stay at your place and my three... or should I say my two boys... teach Sam the true art of being a terror!!!!

Sam, clair, me and you will go out shopping!

Jodi said...

Is it possible to be proactive with boys????????

I have one of them and I swear he gets into more stuff than four girls ever could in a day.

Glad the carpet is clean. Maybe you should show him what lipstick is for, or hide it in a very dark scary place so he doesn't find it again. LOL